Aloha's Perch

My love of television, entertainment and life in general

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Breakup

OK.... I'm not into chick flicks. I know that I am somehow betraying the sisterhood by saying this....but I'm not. I mean, there are certain ones like "Steel Magnolias" that I will stop and watch no matter when or where...but "The Notebook"? LAME! That's just how I am. Anyhow, I don't get to see many movies that don't involve an endearing animal or kids meal fast food tie in. That's just how I roll these days. So when an opportunity presented itself to see a grown-up real honest to goodness picture, I jumped at the chance.

My genre of choice will always be comedy. I was also firmly on the side of Team Aniston when Brad went and shacked up with Angelina and her orphanage. I'm no fan of her politics but what happened was horrifying and public and so sudden after those happy pics of her and Brad on the beach; I couldn't help but feel for the girl....not only that, Brad aside... If Jennifer Aniston can lose her man like that, none of us are completely safe, that's for sure.

I really was in the mood to laugh with my handsome hubby at my side. We bought tickets for the show that had been sold out most of the day. We still had an hour til show time so we went across the street to the "Fox and Hound" for Bushmills and a twist of lime for him and Diet Coke and Lime for me. We had fun for a bit and then strolled back to the theatre to take our seats. BTW, I highly recommend a experience. They have a HUGE military discount which will always earn my loyalty ($6.50 admission) and their theatres are simply kick ass.

Since it was a "couples" movie (translation = CHICK FLICK) it was hard to get two seats together since it was nothing be two people sitting together - empty seat - two people sitting together - repeat. We sat in the front row with no other options...although I did offer to see about switching our tickets to X-Men since I know Shane wanted to see that one. He declined and we settled in.

The beginning was promising with pics of the "happy couple" back when they were happy. After that it became pretty uncomfortable and a NON-COMEDY. It was really like sitting in our friends' living room when they're totally pissed at each other. Like that couple every one knows...the one that you can't tell if she's a bitch because he drinks or if he drinks because she's a just completely deteriorates from there...but it's a formula that strays from the formula but everyone wishes stayed old hat.... plus a lot of Jens private drama reads into some of her speeches and almost seemed too personal. Not only that two completely random non-prime time swear words were added awkwardly I believe to attain a PG-13 rating...not that I'm anti swear words at all....they just sounded weird coming from Jennifer.

I won't spoil the ending however it's widely reported that they had rework the ending because the screening audience hated the original. I can report honestly that the crowd I was with last night (and I mean the CROWD...sold out theatre, not some pretentious group of my friends) LOATHED the end of this one. People groaned and threw popcorn. Many were complaining all the way out to the parking lot about how terrible it was. I've never experienced that before and I was all 3 of the most recent "Star Wars" installments

See it at your own risk.... I'm just saying.....


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